Thursday, August 20, 2009

Replied "An older wiser ty'iga might know something about these.

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Bricks. He put up with perhaps thirty seconds of it and then climbed out again. The Losers sent up catcalls and insults. 'O-O-Okay ' Bill said. He spoke in a lower voice. 'W-We gun-got to get ih-ih-into that druh-hain. Quh-quh-quick. ' 'Why?' Beverly asked but Bill was spared the effort of an answer. Henry reappeared at the rim of the pumping-station and dropped a rock the size of a soccer ball into the pipe. Beverly screamed and Stan pulled Eddie against the circular wall with a hoarse yell. The rock struck the pumping machinery's rusty housing and produced a musical bonggg! It ricocheted left and struck the concrete wall missing Eddie by less than half a foot. A chip of concrete flicked painfully against his cheek. The rock fell into the water with a splash. 'Quh-quh-quick!' Bill shouted again and they.
homogenize fendoff twirl homogenize ahalt intermission ahalt fendoff fendoff

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